17.4.2016. U DIVYI!
It is an ancient, but also a very newly discovered science, the “Science of Mantras and their effects”. Mantra comes from a Sanskrit word meaning a “sacred message or charm, spell, counsel.” A Mantra is a “sacred word” or a “magic word”: Mantra is also a “sound which dispels fear & negativity”. Mantras can help to draw into your life, whatever you wish for – similar to a magic spell.
There are Mantras for many different purposes: for self-development, for protection, for wealth, health, success and happiness ... and many other purposes.
In this workshop you will learn some useful Mantras, their proper pronunciation, their effects and when and how to use them properly:
You will learn Mantras for:
1. Peace
2. Wealth
3. Success
4. Health
5. Happy Marriage
6. Protection
7. Against Fear & Depression, for Bliss,
8. Purification of Mind and Environment
9. Self-Improvement & Enlightenment
10. Divine Love
And you will hear examples, how the Mantras helped other people.
They will be practiced together – and at the end of the course you will have the ability to use them at home – whenever you want – for manifesting the life you want: Mantras for a Happy Life!
Course date: Sunday, April 17
10:15-10:45 intro talk
10:45-14:00 part I
14:00-15:00 Lunch break
15:00-18:30 part II
Price: 350 kn. Info & reservations: [email protected], 0994922261
Vrijeme: 17.4.2016. od 10:15-18:30. Mjesto: Divya Yoga Centar & Škola, Kralja Držislava 14
Cijena tečaja je 350 kn.
Informacije i obavezne prijave na email: [email protected] ili tel: 0994922261.
Dobro došli!
There are Mantras for many different purposes: for self-development, for protection, for wealth, health, success and happiness ... and many other purposes.
In this workshop you will learn some useful Mantras, their proper pronunciation, their effects and when and how to use them properly:
You will learn Mantras for:
1. Peace
2. Wealth
3. Success
4. Health
5. Happy Marriage
6. Protection
7. Against Fear & Depression, for Bliss,
8. Purification of Mind and Environment
9. Self-Improvement & Enlightenment
10. Divine Love
And you will hear examples, how the Mantras helped other people.
They will be practiced together – and at the end of the course you will have the ability to use them at home – whenever you want – for manifesting the life you want: Mantras for a Happy Life!
Course date: Sunday, April 17
10:15-10:45 intro talk
10:45-14:00 part I
14:00-15:00 Lunch break
15:00-18:30 part II
Price: 350 kn. Info & reservations: [email protected], 0994922261
Vrijeme: 17.4.2016. od 10:15-18:30. Mjesto: Divya Yoga Centar & Škola, Kralja Držislava 14
Cijena tečaja je 350 kn.
Informacije i obavezne prijave na email: [email protected] ili tel: 0994922261.
Dobro došli!
Ananda Vdovic
Born and raised in Germany, Ananda started to get interested in Self-realization and spirituality at an early age. She learned meditation in 1970 and later lived withdrawn from the world in Silence for 3 years, spending her days and nights absorbed in the Bliss (Ananda) of her inner Self. This is why she was given the name Ananda = Bliss. During these years higher states of consciousness opened up for her. Then she came out and shared her realization by teaching Thousands of people meditation and Self-awareness internationally. Ananda also worked as an architect and is an accomplished artist and singer. Her paintings of Divine beings radiate the beauty of the heavenly realms and are widely recognized. Her CDs “Sacred Chants of Devi” and “Durga-Mantras for Protection” are played in many Self-development workshops all over the world: Ananda Vdovic: Rođena je u Njemačkoj, već od mlade dobi zanima se za samorealizaciju i duhovnost. Kao dijete znala je satima boraviti u stanjima dubokog unutarnjeg transa. Meditaciju je naučila 1970. godine i kasnije, povučena od svijeta, proživjela three godine u tišini, provodeći noći i dane u blaženstvu (anandi) unutarnjeg Ja. Tih godina, otvaraju joj se uvidi viša stanja svijesti. Nakon toga dijeli svoje iskustvo kroz podučavanje tisuća ljudi diljem svijeta, meditaciji i samosvijesti. Ananda je također radila kao arhitektica i priznata je umjetnica i pjevačica. Njene slike božanskih bića zrače ljepotu nebeskih carstava i naširoko su poznate. Njeni CD-ovi „Sacred Chants of Devi“ i „Durga - Mantras for Protection“ sviraju se na brojnim radionicama samorazvoja diljem svijeta. |
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