Yoga Sutra Course
Shakti Yoga - the Path of Power wants to inform you about the program this summer :
Yoga Sutra Course, 2.nd - July 2016
In this course we go deep into spiritual practices and experience higher states of consciousness. It is the most precious advanced knowledge.
And it brought about the big breakthrough for me! Until now I have given this course only to some selected advanced teachers.
Now the time has come to make this precious knowledge available for more people ! As the techniques are very powerful, the prerequisite (condition) is that you are not a beginner on the path - you should have a few years of regular meditation practice and normal mental health. Then you can experience states of enlightenment. Afterwards you have to integrate them in daily life...
Do you want to take this next step on your spiritual journey ? Then speak to me and we will decide together, if you can participate. (If you don´t have all the 4 weeks time, we will see, how we can make it possible for you. This course is taught only once in a year.)
Informations & reservations: [email protected]
Yoga Sutra Course, 2.nd - July 2016
In this course we go deep into spiritual practices and experience higher states of consciousness. It is the most precious advanced knowledge.
And it brought about the big breakthrough for me! Until now I have given this course only to some selected advanced teachers.
Now the time has come to make this precious knowledge available for more people ! As the techniques are very powerful, the prerequisite (condition) is that you are not a beginner on the path - you should have a few years of regular meditation practice and normal mental health. Then you can experience states of enlightenment. Afterwards you have to integrate them in daily life...
Do you want to take this next step on your spiritual journey ? Then speak to me and we will decide together, if you can participate. (If you don´t have all the 4 weeks time, we will see, how we can make it possible for you. This course is taught only once in a year.)
Informations & reservations: [email protected]
Tečaj meditacije sa ANANDOM I DAVOROM VDOVIC
"You will learn Krishna Kriya, a Life-purpose meditation, Healing the six lower bodies, Connecting to the Future Self, Peace Meditation, Purification with the 5 elements, and a Mantra for Prosperity with the laws of Prosperity... and more."
Datum: 13-14.2.2016. subota i nedjelja
Vrijeme: 10-18:15h (s pauzom za ručak)
Cijena: 550 kn, ponavljači 290 kn
Mjesto: Divya, Kralja Držislava 14, Zagreb
Informacije i prijave: [email protected], 0994922261
- Mole se sudionici da u subotu ujutro dođu na tašte. Mogu eventualno popiti nešto sat, dva prije tečaja (ali ne kavu ili sl.).
- Imat ćemo dostavu vegeterijanskog ručka (po izboru).
- Broj mjesta na tečaju je ograničen pa vas molimo prijave na vrijeme.
"You will learn Krishna Kriya, a Life-purpose meditation, Healing the six lower bodies, Connecting to the Future Self, Peace Meditation, Purification with the 5 elements, and a Mantra for Prosperity with the laws of Prosperity... and more."
Datum: 13-14.2.2016. subota i nedjelja
Vrijeme: 10-18:15h (s pauzom za ručak)
Cijena: 550 kn, ponavljači 290 kn
Mjesto: Divya, Kralja Držislava 14, Zagreb
Informacije i prijave: [email protected], 0994922261
- Mole se sudionici da u subotu ujutro dođu na tašte. Mogu eventualno popiti nešto sat, dva prije tečaja (ali ne kavu ili sl.).
- Imat ćemo dostavu vegeterijanskog ručka (po izboru).
- Broj mjesta na tečaju je ograničen pa vas molimo prijave na vrijeme.
Ananda Vdovic:
Rođena je u Njemačkoj, već od mlade dobi zanima se za samorealizaciju i duhovnost. Kao dijete znala je satima boraviti u stanjima dubokog unutarnjeg transa. Meditaciju je naučila 1970. godine i kasnije, povučena od svijeta, proživjela three godine u tišini, provodeći noći i dane u blaženstvu (anandi) unutarnjeg Ja. Tih godina, otvaraju joj se uvidi viša stanja svijesti. Nakon toga dijeli svoje iskustvo kroz podučavanje tisuća ljudi diljem svijeta, meditaciji i samosvijesti. Ananda je također radila kao arhitektica i priznata je umjetnica i pjevačica. Njene slike božanskih bića zrače ljepotu nebeskih carstava i naširoko su poznate. Njeni CD-ovi „Sacred Chants of Devi“ i „Durga - Mantras for Protection“ sviraju se na brojnim radionicama samorazvoja diljem svijeta. Više o Anandi: Ananda Vdovic: Born and raised in Germany, Ananda started to get interested in Self-realization and spirituality at an early age. She learned meditation in 1970 and later lived withdrawn from the world in Silence for 3 years, spending her days and nights absorbed in the Bliss (Ananda) of her inner Self. This is why she was given the name Ananda = Bliss. During these years higher states of consciousness opened up for her. Then she came out and shared her realization by teaching Thousands of people meditation and Self-awareness internationally. Ananda also worked as an architect and is an accomplished artist and singer. Her paintings of Divine beings radiate the beauty of the heavenly realms and are widely recognized. Her CDs “Sacred Chants of Devi” and “Durga-Mantras for Protection” are played in many Self-development workshops all over the world: |
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